First Court Insights

A Week in the Life of a Traditional Mediation Victim

Feb 28, 2022 11:40:04 AM / by Mike Liffrig
As innovation has transformed the world and the legal industry, little has changed in the way most mediations are conducted. As professionals, we always need to consider how improvements in technology and processes can help us win better outcomes for our stakeholders. If you can relate to the ...
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What to look for in a Mediator and Getting to know your Mediator

Feb 2, 2022 3:39:45 PM / by Jayne Carlson
First Court Insights If you have to participate in a mediation and choose a mediator, what would you look for, and why is this important? First, you want a broad understanding and background of the parties' underlying needs and can guide parties to creative solutions without regard for legal ...
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Pros of Online Mediation

Nov 23, 2021 11:03:38 AM / by Joseph Liffrig
Any lawyer or insurance professional who has spent time attempting to settle a case through traditional mediation (both parties working with a mediator at the same facility) has likely been frustrated. It is difficult to find a day and time when all parties can meet. It is inconvenient to spend a ...
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Minimize Risk: Settling Sexual Harassment Claims with Online Mediation

Nov 23, 2021 10:44:36 AM / by Joseph Liffrig
Negotiations are all about limiting risk, especially in high-stakes harassment and abuse lawsuits. This dynamic makes First Court's risk-free approach the perfect forum to negotiate settlements in these cases.
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The Lean Mediation

Dec 17, 2019 11:47:05 AM / by Mike Liffrig
The purpose of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is to reduce litigation expense and delay… yet the traditional ADR model bakes in those very inefficiencies, as parties tend to prepare for mediation in much the same deliberate, expensive way that they prepare for trial.
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