Mike Liffrig

Mike is an attorney, mediator, and expert jury consultant. He has mediated over 1,200 disputes and consulted on major jury trials throughout the country. When he is not resolving disputes he loves to ranch and spend time with his grandchildren.

Recent Posts

A Week in the Life of a Traditional Mediation Victim

Feb 28, 2022 11:40:04 AM / by Mike Liffrig
As innovation has transformed the world and the legal industry, little has changed in the way most mediations are conducted. As professionals, we always need to consider how improvements in technology and processes can help us win better outcomes for our stakeholders. If you can relate to the ...
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How to Win Juries in the Age of Big Verdicts

Nov 23, 2021 10:47:47 AM / by Mike Liffrig
I have the pleasure of talking every day with litigators around the country and working together to overcome their greatest case-handling challenges. Recently, these conversations have revealed a slow, but monumental change in jury behavior in the last couple of years. Some questions I hear ...
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Evaluate Potential Experts... Before Hiring Them

Nov 23, 2021 10:42:03 AM / by Mike Liffrig
How often do you hire an expert knowing most of what they will say, but not how effective it will be in helping you win at trial? If you go into trial without knowing how effective your expert witness is at persuading jurors, you risk not only wasting the money spent on their fees but also run the ...
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Impasse Breaking: "Overwhelming Emotion"

Nov 23, 2021 9:52:01 AM / by Mike Liffrig
Impasse Breaking: Overwhelming Emotion
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The Lean Mediation

Dec 17, 2019 11:47:05 AM / by Mike Liffrig
The purpose of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is to reduce litigation expense and delay… yet the traditional ADR model bakes in those very inefficiencies, as parties tend to prepare for mediation in much the same deliberate, expensive way that they prepare for trial.
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