First Court Insights

How to Win Juries in the Age of Big Verdicts

Nov 23, 2021 10:47:47 AM / by Mike Liffrig
I have the pleasure of talking every day with litigators around the country and working together to overcome their greatest case-handling challenges. Recently, these conversations have revealed a slow, but monumental change in jury behavior in the last couple of years. Some questions I hear ...
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How Jurors Work: Emotions Lead the Law

Oct 17, 2018 10:49:27 AM / by Mike Liffrig
Consider this fact pattern and outcome from a case we recently worked on: Plaintiff rear-ends trailer pulling a large load of logs. I repeat: Plaintiff rear-ends defendant. But the jurors assign most of the blame to the defendant… who was rear-ended.
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Eight Tips for Better Voir Dire

May 30, 2018 3:14:16 PM / by Mike Liffrig
Jurors are the single most important part of a trial. They decide who wins and who loses. While it is easy to focus on the arguments and the presentation of evidence - all of which are important - it is vital to remember who is actually deciding the case. Arguments do not decide cases. Evidence ...
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