First Court Insights

Top 3 Ways Plaintiff Attorneys Ensure Nuclear Verdicts

Feb 8, 2023 1:37:49 PM / by Ryan Liffrig, J.D.
In 2015, the average verdict in the National Law Journal’s Top 100 Verdicts was a solid $64 million. By 2019, this average had more than tripled to a resounding $214 million.1 Today, nuclear verdicts are more common than ever and are causing defense attorneys to tremble in their boots. Why is this ...
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Remembering the Record North Dakota Nuclear Verdict

Feb 6, 2023 10:40:58 AM / by First Court Insights Team
Bismarck, ND A new chapter began for the families of a June 27, 2015, drunk driving incident that took the lives of two young women and dramatically injured another. Four years and four months later a jury awarded the families a combined $1,157,000,000 in compensatory and punitive damages. The ...
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What Is a Mock Trial?

Oct 18, 2022 9:42:09 AM / by First Court Insights Team
Attorney at Law Magazine’s Recommended Mock Trial Company is First Court, Inc., which begs the question: What is a “Mock Trial?”
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Strategies for Gaining Credibility During Voir Dire

Sep 20, 2022 8:46:25 AM / by First Court Insights Team
The first impression that a trial lawyer gives the jurors in the selection process will last throughout the duration of the trial. What impression are you giving to the jurors as you stand to introduce yourself and your client to the venire? Is that impression the most helpful to your client’s ...
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A Trial Lawyer's Guide to Serving Red Herring

Aug 16, 2022 11:15:06 AM / by First Court Insights Team
We recently conducted a mock trial on a significant case. The jurors were very typical for what we expect to see in a Manhattan jury. After each argument or witness, each juror answered a handful of excellent feedback questions—and all their answers flowed across our monitors, in real time.
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