Amanda Panagakis, PhD.

As a paralegal, Amanda was introduced to mock trials, focus groups, witness preparation, and jury selection and instantly knew that she wanted to become a trial consultant. After finishing her Doctorate of Philosophy in Psychology, Amanda worked as a trial consultant for several focus group and mock trial companies before joining our First Court team in 2023.

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Recent Posts

Mastering Courtroom Leadership: 10 Key Questions for Lawyers

May 15, 2024 4:45:39 PM / by Amanda Panagakis, PhD.
In the field of law, the art of persuasion extends far beyond legal expertise and argumentative prowess. It encompasses a nuanced understanding of human psychology, particularly how jurors perceive and evaluate lawyers during a trial. A lawyer's ability to lead effectively in the courtroom can ...
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Understanding Proximate Cause in Legal Defense

Apr 29, 2024 4:32:00 PM / by Amanda Panagakis, PhD.
Proximate cause stands as a cornerstone concept within the legal realm, particularly challenging attorneys due to its intricate nature and the critical role it plays in determining liability. This principle delineates the primary cause of an injury or harm that is legally recognized as being ...
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How a Company's Response to Mistakes Shapes Its Destiny

Feb 22, 2024 11:37:24 AM / by Amanda Panagakis, PhD.
In the competitive business landscape, mistakes are inevitable. Whether it's a product flaw, a service error, or a communication mishap, no company is immune to the occasional misstep. However, what truly sets successful businesses apart is not the absence of mistakes but their ability to respond ...
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Unveiling the Power Dynamics in Anchoring Damages

Jan 26, 2024 11:50:38 AM / by Amanda Panagakis, PhD.
In the complex landscape of civil litigation, the concept of "anchoring damages" has evolved into a pivotal term, resonating deeply within legal circles. While the notion that proposing a specific numerical figure can sway damages is not groundbreaking, a significant number of defense attorneys may ...
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Unraveling the Misunderstanding of Negligence: The Impact of Jurors' Misconceptions on Corporate Responsibility

Dec 13, 2023 2:44:43 PM / by Amanda Panagakis, PhD.
Introduction In the intricate landscape of the legal realm, the concept of negligence stands as a fundamental and complex element in determining liability. It plays a crucial role in various civil lawsuits, especially those involving corporate defendants. In recent times, there has been a growing ...
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