First Court Litigation Insights

Case Closed: Surprisingly streamlined settlement in serious case

Jul 15, 2019 9:58:36 AM / by Joe Liffrig posted in case study, 1 Hour Mediation, Settlement Case Studies, Settlement, Online Dispute Resolution, Law, Ohio, Motor Vehicle Accident, Pennsylvania


We recently mediated a six-figure settlement of a Pennsylvania motor vehicle accident with some uniquely challenging dynamics.

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Meet our Newest Mediators

Mar 13, 2019 1:54:23 PM / by Joe Liffrig posted in Settle, 1 Hour Mediation, ADR, Online Dispute Resolution

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First Court is growing rapidly, and we now have happy mediation clients in 41 states and the District of Columbia enjoying, average savings of 23 hours and 17% in litigation expenses per case. We want to celebrate that growth, welcome our new additions, and make sure that you are familiar with the whole team that is serving you.

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What could you accomplish with 10 free hours?

Dec 13, 2018 10:54:58 AM / by Joe Liffrig posted in Settle, 1 Hour Mediation, ADR, Settlement Case Studies, Settlement, Online Dispute Resolution


 Settling a six figure personal injury case in an hour probably seems impossible to those in the legal profession who have not yet enjoyed the benefits of First Court's 1 Hour Mediation

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Last call for 2018 Settlements

Dec 7, 2018 4:40:12 PM / by Joe Liffrig posted in Settle, 1 Hour Mediation, Settlement, Case Submission, Online Dispute Resolution

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Everyone involved in a lawsuit has some incentive to settle before the end of the year. Whether it's holiday closure (and cash) for injured parties, cash flow and tax benefits for law firms, or cleaning up the books for insurance carriers - our clients of every type tell us this time of year is a good inflection point to try to resolve open cases. 

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