First Court - Industry Leading Insights

Last call for 2018 Settlements

Written by Joe Liffrig | Dec 7, 2018 10:40:12 PM

Everyone involved in a lawsuit has some incentive to settle before the end of the year. Whether it's holiday closure (and cash) for injured parties, cash flow and tax benefits for law firms, or cleaning up the books for insurance carriers - our clients of every type tell us this time of year is a good inflection point to try to resolve open cases. 

We have seen this dynamic drive some exceptional outcomes in our mediations. Our settlement rate in October, November and December is an astounding 91%. If you have any open files that don't need to stay that way, we are always happy to talk about how we can help.

We are often able to schedule a mediation in under a week, you don't need to travel, and we only take one hour of your limited time. With many insurance companies closing their books on December 15th, today is the day to make the world a little more peaceful this holiday season!